Pest Control
The amount of damage that pests can cause a lawn can be astonishing. Anyone who has watched their lawn being decimated by a couple of magpies will know what I mean ( and I talk from personal experience!). Chafer grubs and crane fly larvae lie just under the grass line and some birds will do almost anything to get at them – including digging up large areas of you beautiful lawn.
You are not defenceless however; Lawn3 has a range of pest treatments that will combat the common causes of both pests and diseases.

Damage caused by birds feeding on grubs
As a minimum we recommend our Autumn Crane fly treatment. This will kill off the young crane fly larvae in the lawn before they develop into adult larvae in the Spring – and it works.
Additionally we recommend a chafer grub treatment in late Spring.
Finally, if your lawn suffers from fungal infections (notably in the Autumn when it is warm and damp), we recommend a prophylactic fugal treatment earlier in the year. This can help rid your lawn of unsightly brown patches developing as your lawn recovers from the hot summer.
Talk to your local Lawn3 office about our pest and disease treatments - they will be happy to treat the grass or just provide advice on how to keep your lawn looking beautiful.