A proper mowing regime is probably the single best thing you can do for your Lawn. So many people spend huge amounts of time and money on their lawn, only to then cut the grass far too short. In addition, how many of us can truly claim to have our mower serviced a minimum of once a year? These are not insignificant details, a badly cut lawn will negate all the hard work you have put in throughout the whole season.

All of us love to see a well maintained bowling green – perfectly flat with beautifully manicured finely cut grass. The reality in most domestic lawns is very different. Undulations and depressions in the lawn frequently result in scalping the grass when it is cut too low; the result is patches of over-stressed grass prone to weeds and moss. Poorly maintained mowers with blunt blades further result in tearing rather than cutting the grass, further stressing the plant and introducing disease and infection.
Our answer to this is Lawn3 MowMASTER – regular mowing of your grass with fully maintained mowers set to the correct height for your lawn.
Talk to your local Lawn3 office about Lawn3 MowMASTER - We suggest a weekly cut during the spring and summer, dropping off to fortnightly in the autumn.
Please note that due to busy schedules, not all of our offices offer MowMASTER as a service. However, they will still gladly advise you on correct mowing techniques ensuring you get the most from your lawn and our specialised treatment programme.